Welcome to the HIV prevention website for San Diego County.
This site was formerly utilized by the San Diego County HIV Prevention Planning Group. As of September 15, 2016 a new planning body, the San Diego HIV Planning Group was established and the website for this planning body can be accessed at sdplanning.org.
This site has been retained to provide information about prevention services including:
Condom Apps
To download a FREE smartphone app and find out the closest location to wherever you are to grab some FREE condoms, scan the following QR codes with your smartphone or click on the following links to find out more:
You can also access locations to obtain free condoms and lube at San Diego Condom Distribution Partner Program.
If you want information about your sexual health, check out My Online Sexual Health Assessment and get access to local resources including PrEP (daily pill to prevent HIV) and TasP (treatment as prevention). For help accessing PrEP, connect with any of the websites listed:
or call 619-692-6621 and for the more information from the County of San Diego programs and services visit the HIV, STD & Hepatitis Branch homepage here.